Providing the equipment to conduct various priority research projects in southern African, including radio telemetry collars, camera traps, capture equipment, and vehicles.
Suni Antelope
Determining the population size of the endangered suni antelope. Suni is one of the smallest antelope in the world (<14 inches) and is suffering from rapid declines in their population.
Elephant Populations
Studying how climate change is impacting elephant populations. This project will help us to protect and manage essential habitats for long term elephant survival.
Lion Management
Enhancing the conservation of lions in Mozambique by mitigating the most serious threats to the wild lion populations, including poaching, poisoning, and snaring.
Cheetah Project
Development of diagnostic tests for TB infection in Cheetah populations is underway. This is necessary for successful management of the disease across the wildlife reserves.
Hyena Study
The Spotted Hyena Project is being conducted using camera traps and telemetry. This study will collect data on the home range, diet, mortality, and population trends of a wild hyena population.
Providing volunteers to the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Rescued chimps are rehabilitated and rewilded.
Rhino Dehorning
Rhino dehorning is a safe and effective method for reducing rhino poaching. By dehorning the rhinos the poachers are much less likely to kill them for their horns.
Pangolin Rescue
Provided telemetry equipment to monitor recently reintroduced Temminck’s pangolin which has sadly become the most trafficked animal in the world. Pangolins need to be monitored nightly to ensure their safety and well being on the reserve
Research on Carnivores
Provided the field vehicle to conduct an investigation on the distribution and structure of small to medium sized carnivores in varying degrees of management protection and human disturbance.
Land Preservation
Assisted in raising money to purchase a conservation area that creates a wildlife corridor between two existing reserves.
Land Conservancy
Financially assisted in habitat management, rewilding, and maintenance for our land conservancy in South Africa.
Elephant Research
Supporting a study on elephants use environmental clues to find water sources. Critical in this time of climate change.
Hornbill Conservation Project
Provided funding for education, research, and artificial nest building
Pangolin Rehabitation
Provided funds to Umoya Khulula Wildlife Centre to rehabitate and release to the wild injured or captured pangolins
Continued Assistence to Land Conservancy
Financially assisted in habitat management, rewilding, and maintenance for our land conservancy in South Africa.